Silverman Chemical and Biological Engineering Student Lounge

Establishing a Hub for Collaborative Study
Stan Silverman
Stan Silverman
Stan Silverman ’69, ’74

Stan Silverman
Silverman and President John Fry

Stan Silverman
Silverman speaking with Chemical and Biological Engineering students

To honor significant support from Stan Silverman ’69, ’74, vice chair of Drexel’s Board of Trustees, and his wife Jackie, the College of Engineering has dedicated the Silverman Chemical and Biological Engineering Lounge. The recently renovated space, located on the second floor of Curtis Hall on the University City campus, provides 24-hour access for students to study between classes or complete their homework.

“The Silverman Chemical and Biological Engineering Lounge is a fitting way to honor Stan and Jackie Silverman for everything they have done to bolster Drexel’s learning environment, reputation and impact. With this generous gift, Stan and Jackie remind us how they will always be champions of our students – and our University,” said President John Fry.

The College of Engineering was Stan Silverman’s first home as a student at Drexel, where he earned a degree in chemical engineering, prior to graduating with an MBA from the Bennett S. LeBow College of Business (known as the College of Business and Administration at the time). Silverman has since become a noted thought leader on leadership, leveraging the knowledge he gained managing a global company focusing on chemicals and engineered glass materials to help others lead successfully. His weekly column for the Philadelphia Business Journal is syndicated across more than 40 sister publications across the United States, and he is the author of the book Be Different! The Key to Business and Career Success.

“If you had told me more than 50 years ago – when I was a student at the College of Engineering – that I would have risen through 11 positions at PQ Corporation, ultimately serving as its president and chief executive officer, or that I would serve on the boards of 14 public and private companies, or that I would become a nationally syndicated columnist with a published book to my name, I wouldn’t have believed you,” describes Silverman. “I am proud to have come so far and to have the opportunity to share the lessons I’ve learned with the next generation of Drexel students. Jackie and I are glad to support the Silverman Chemical and Biological Engineering Lounge, which will serve as an important resource as students work their way toward becoming leaders in their own right.”

Founded in 1923 as the program in Chemical Engineering, Drexel’s Chemical and Biological Engineering Department offers bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees. After completing co-ops at leading companies and government entities including ExxonMobil, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, the USDA, and the Philadelphia Water Department, graduates have gone on to work in the biotechnology, energy, electronics, food production and manufacturing sectors.

Cameron Abrams, Bartlett-Barry Endowed Professor and head of the Chemical and Biological Engineering Department adds, “The department often puts enormous demands on our students, so having this place where students can come to be with their friends and study is crucial for their academic success. Jackie and Stan Silverman’s support of this lounge demonstrates their belief in our mission and our students.”

Prior to becoming the Silverman Lounge, the space had been an electrical engineering classroom, characterized by students as being full of “bulky equipment and not being very welcoming for groups of students to gather.”

Sharon Walker, dean of the College of Engineering and Distinguished Professor of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, describes how the re-envisioned room will be much more functional. “What’s exciting about this lounge is that it will further strengthen a sense of fellowship, providing a space that meets the needs of today’s students and fosters creativity, social interaction and collaboration. I trust that the Silverman legacy will have an impact on each student that uses this space as they communicate, network and grow.”

The Silverman Chemical and Biological Engineering Lounge is a fitting way to honor Stan and Jackie Silverman for everything they have done to bolster Drexel University’s learning environment, reputation and impact. With this generous gift, Stan and Jackie remind us how they will always be champions of our students – and our University.

Nickole Xenakes, chemical engineering ’22, confirms that the lounge is already fulfilling this purpose. “I use it for my office hours as an undergraduate teaching assistant, and as a place where my fellow chemical engineering students and I collaborate on group projects for courses like reactor kinetics or integrated case studies, or to simply study for upcoming exams.”

Nickole attended the dedication of the lounge, where Stan Silverman shared his leadership insights – including the importance of networking – with the next generation of engineers. Nickole explains, “I can truly say that I give almost all the credit for my networking skills to the education I received from Drexel, and I’m pretty sure that’s what landed me a job after graduation - so Mr. Silverman knows what he is talking about!”

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Photo at top of page: (From left) Dean Sharon Walker, Stan Silverman ’69, ’74, Bartlett-Barry Endowed Professor Cameron Abrams, Senior Vice President of Institutional Advancement David Unruh, and President John Fry at ribbon-cutting ceremony in May 2022.


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