Support Scholarships at Drexel

Gifts of every size make a difference.

Fuel the Future

With Undergraduate Financial Aid and Scholarships

Student scholarship

Drexel’s academic reputation is rising steadily. Our incoming classes have grown significantly and we attract, retain and graduate higher-achieving and more diverse students, year after year. With your help, we can expand this student success exponentially.

By investing in financial aid and scholarships at Drexel, you can fuel a future full of promise.

Your support helps make it possible for thousands of students to follow in the footsteps of the Drexel entrepreneurs, innovators and change agents who came before them. Because of you, talented students will have the opportunity to pursue their dreams and contribute their unique skills and ideas, making the future better for all.

Have a personal conversation with a Drexel representative about your investment in scholarships: Contact a Drexel gift officer today.

What Are the Options?

You can establish your own, named scholarship at the level you choose, or you can give to an existing scholarship fund.

Quote-gradient The fact that I am able to receive such a great education is all thanks to your kindness and generosity... I very much hope that I can help provide a future for someone, just like you have helped by providing one for me.
- Bidley Jean-Baptiste, College of Arts & Sciences ’20

Named Scholarships: Endowed and Current Impact

Drexel establishes an endowed fund when you instruct the University to hold the principal of your gift in perpetuity and invest it. The University directs some of the investment return each year to fulfill your scholarship goals, benefiting students over generations. With a restricted scholarship, you have the option to express preferences for recipients, such as students in specific schools or colleges at Drexel.

Current impact scholarships allow you to make a difference immediately in a student’s life. Your gift goes directly to students, typically within a year of the fund being created. These scholarships partially cover the cost of attendance for at least one student annually. If you establish a restricted scholarship, you can express a preference for recipients in specific schools or colleges at Drexel.

Many options are available to meet your needs and maximize the impact of your investment. For example, endowed full-tuition, undergraduate scholarships may be established with a minimum $1 million commitment. Partial-tuition and current-use scholarships may be created as well at a variety of impact levels. Contact Drexel’s Office of Institutional Advancement to learn more about establishing an endowed or named scholarship and discuss the best giving options for you.

Quote-gradient Drexel had done so much to mature me and money had been so difficult in my student years, I thought a scholarship fund was a way to give back and help students like myself.
- Phil T. Troilo '51

Existing Scholarships

Many scholarship funds already exist at Drexel. In addition to University Financial Aid and scholarship funds that can be awarded to any student, individual colleges and schools typically have their own scholarship funds, dedicated to their own students. The staff of Institutional Advancement can help you find an existing fund at Drexel that meets your goals.

Gifts of every size make a difference. Learn more about two funds that allow you to support students immediately:

  • Alumni Endowed Impact Scholarship Fund: An endowed fund established through gifts from alumni and other friends of the University for civically engaged Drexel students
  • Operation Graduation: Support for upperclassmen who unexpectedly need additional financial assistance in order to graduate

Support scholarships at Drexel now

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Drexel University
P.O. Box 8215
Philadelphia, PA 19101-9684